7 USC §7734(a)(1)(B) & 7 CFR §319.56–66(e) make it a federal crime to import dirty Mexican potatoes.
There oughta be a law…May 21, 2018
26 USC §§5301, 5606 & 27 CFR §5.22(g) make it a federal crime to sell “tequila” unless it was made in Mexico.
There oughta be a law…May 20 , 2018
16 USC §374 & 36 CFR §21.6 make it a crime to use therapeutic pools in Hot Springs, AR if you lack complete control of your bodily functions
There oughta be a law… May 19, 2018
18 USC §1465 makes it a federal crime to sell a “filthy book” across state lines.
There oughta be a law…May 18, 2018
21 USC §331 & 21 CFR §700.27(b)(2) make it a crime to sell cosmetics made from a cow’s small intestine unless the distal ileum is removed..but remember to remove at least 80″ of the uncoiled and trimmed small intestine, measured from the caeca-colic junction to the jejunum.
There oughta be a law…May 17, 2018
16 USC §551 & 36 CFR §261.18(b) make it a federal crime to ride a bike, or have a hang-glider, in a national forest wilderness area.
There oughta be a law…May 16, 2018
43 USC §1733 & 43 CFR §3715.6(j) make it a federal crime to knowingly operate a curio shop on public lands.
There oughta be a law…May 15, 2018
49 USC §46316 & 14 CFR §101.23(a)(2) make it a crime to launch an amateur rocket into a foreign country without an agreement. cc @DPRK_News
There oughta be a law…May 14, 2018
43 USC §373b(b) & 43 CFR §423.38(k) make it a federal crime to waterski at night in the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s jurisdiction.
There oughta be a law…May 13, 2018
21 USC §§333, 343 & 21 CFR §131.206(a) make it a federal crime to sell “non-fat” yogurt with more than 0.5% milkfat.